EPLAN in panel building

Find out how companies from the panel building are using our solutions to meet current technical and business challenges to improve their competitiveness.

RidgeTech Automation
Automation as a solution

Investing in the EPLAN Platform has allowed RidgeTech Automation to reduce errors, improve their workflow and…

Siemens WKC
Perfect Network Integration – Directly from Design to Production

Around 21,000 control cabinets and 29,000 small enclosures are produced here annually – the majority of which are…

AuCom opts for automation with EPLAN and Rittal

Can it be done in nine months? Nine months to build and supply 400 switchgear units containing soft starters for…

How EPLAN delivered major efficiency gains for leading retailer
TJ Morris Ltd
How EPLAN delivered major efficiency gains for leading retailer

TJ Morris Ltd are the parent company of Home Bargains, a UK discount retailer with more than 500 stores. Following a…

Scholle IPN Canada
Out of the Bag

Within a year of transitioning their workflow to include the EPLAN software for assistance in engineering electrical…

Control Cabinet Planned via the Cloud

Panel builder and switchgear system engineering company IWS uses cloud functionality for its electrical engineering.…