pester pac automation utilizes integrated information flow to their SAP system
Integrated data management between CAE and ERP has been realized successfully at pester pac automation GmbH.
Integrated data management between CAE and ERP has been realized successfully at pester pac automation GmbH. The company benefits from the migration to SAP and the EPLAN Platform, because of the continuous and automated work processes in electrical engineering. This has turned out to be a true competitive edge for the internationally active machinery builder; their specialty is packaging plants for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing puts great emphasis on efficient packaging processes for their products, and has found the right partner in pester pac automation GmbH. The company from Wolfertschwenden, close to Memmingen has built up an international reputation as a manufacturer of highly automated packaging plants. They are able to manage the entire process chain, from foil packs through carton packaging, all the way to palletizing. Customized packaging systems
Since form and amounts of products to be packaged differ with each customer, the machines and plants are developed individually for each application. Helmut Weber, Manager of electrical engineering for Pester: "The product determines the machine. That is why the rate of repetition is low in design engineering. At the same time development times get ever shorter. Therefore we use standardized concepts from basic machines and the option to fall back on our library of functional groups for a more efficient design process." The flexibility, which is indispensible for mechanical engineering, is ensured through high-performance design, as well as high production depth. Connection of ERP and CAE
Since the time allowance for design continues to get smaller, pester pac decided to automate three years ago, first implementing only one interface between EPLAN and the ERP system they used at the time. Helmut Weber: "We already expected at that time that we were going to migrate to SAP down the road. But we wanted to explore the possibilities that such an interface would present, and already begin to use the benefits of an integrated data exchange between CAE and ERP, even before the integration into the SAP system would present us with another great challenge." Time savings and a lower error rate
This strategy proofed itself to be spot on: Solution provider EPLAN developed an individual interface for the ERP system. The automatic data transfer of electrical engineering data to procurement and production planning did not only save time, but it minimized the rate of potential errors to nearly zero within a short time. That proved to the company that they would want to use the advantages of a CAR and ERP connection even after the implementation of SAP. The integration link requirements were coded with ILC Prostep, EPLAN's SAP integration partner, right from the start. The standardized SAP interface called "4PEP Connect EPLAN" was introduced along with the SAP start. Pester's objective was to maximize integration of the two disciplines even in the preparatory stages. The interface sets up identical part numbers in both systems for instance, and the bill of materials will be automatically transferred into the SAP system via interface. Goal: no duplicate data management
One of our main objectives in the coordination and structure of the interface was to avoid duplicate efforts in data management. We succeeded -- and the positive effect is definitely noticeable. Helmut Weber: "The processes in electrical engineering and procurement are now easier and much more exact." EPLAN, together with ILC Prostep adapted the interface to Pester's requirements in order to achieve a maximum degree of automation, and to exploit any possible rationalization potential. Separate lists are generated for each, enclosure manufacturing, pre-assembly, and the final assembly. Furthermore, the output is time-structured: For complex enclosures for instance, which is a long-running part, a preliminary bill of materials will be issued that allots enough advance times for production. Ordering of custom motors and other purchased parts with long lead-times may also be initiated way ahead of time via this function. Ongoing synchronization of bills of materials and order lists
Deep integration of EPLAN Electric P8 and SAP does have the advantage of ongoing synchronization of bills of materials with the order parts list in SAP during the order and assembly processes. Both systems work with identical bills of materials each, which takes current order entries or in-house production parts into consideration. This basic functionality of the interface was also optimized by using ILC Prostep for Pester. Communicating on the bill of materials level does have an additional advantage. Helmut Weber: "Omissions and errors are almost completely eradicated with the transmission of the bills of materials, as the interface performs an automatic plausibility check already at this point; it checks for example if the parts listed are still valid and are still released for ordering. If that should not be the case, the system reports the part in question and the design engineer can immediately recommend a replacement part." Preparation at its best for any future requirements
The 11 associates in electrical design engineering were able to use the interface between SAP and EPLAN from the beginning when SAP was implemented company wide. It also proved that the "test phase" with the old system was a good idea. Helmut Weber: "We were able to use the interface and its advantages to its fullest extent, and right from the beginning."

Helmut Weber, Manager of electrical engineering for Pester: "The processes in electrical engineering and procurement are now easier and much more exact."

Efficient end-of-line packaging lines for pharmaceutical folding cartons - full film wrap for secure film bundles in line with a side loading case packer by Pester.