WebConsult.cz - Internet & Marketing s.r.o.
Pohraniční 52/23
703 00 Ostrava
Moravskoslezský kraj, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 739 054 689
E-Mail: info@webconsult.cz
Web: https://www.webconsult.cz/
System integrator & developer of Henry SYSTEM platform covering areas Sales & Calculation, CRM, PDM and Production digitalization
- HQ Ostrava, Moravskoslezský kraj, Czech Republic
- English
Type of provided services
- Shopfloor
Available type of service provisioning
- Onsite
- Virtual
Size of business/Number of Employees
- Medium (11-250)
Number of EPLAN certified Engineers
Focus Areas
- Software consulting
- Web application development
- System integration
Focus Industries
- Machinery and Plant Construction
- Automotive
- Energy
- Process Industry
EPLAN Solutions
- EPLAN Cogineer
- EPLAN Electric P8
- EPLAN Fluid
- EPLAN Pro Panel
Partner Solutions
Production Machines
- Rittal Automation Systems
- Steinhauer
- Komax
- Schleuniger
Digitalization of entire company workflow from sales calculation till production data and their visualization via Henry SYSTEM. Bidirectional integration with EPLAN ensures synchronization of items, import/export of BOM and transferring project data. Customer solution also includes preparation and setting of Komax source data.
Machinery and Plant Construction
Medium (11-250)
Teplice, Ústecký kraj, Czech Republic
Primary contact
Name: Mr. Hynek Olchava
Position: CEO
Phone: +420 739 054 589
E-Mail: hynek.olchava@webconsult.cz