ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH + Co KG at the EPLAN Data Portal

ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH + Co KG at the EPLAN Data Portal

The product range of ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH + Co KG contains devices for monitoring temperatures, voltage, current, frequency or phase, controls and measuring transducers.

ZIEHL industrie-elektronik provides product macros and article data for more than 100 products in the EPLAN Data Portal. This guarantees easy engineering of products from ZIEHL. The portfolio of ZIEHL contains the following product families:

  • devices for monitoring temperatures, especially for electric motors and transformers
  • devices for monitoring voltage, current, frequency or phase in grids
  • current transformers with built in electronics
  • measuring transducers for temperature, current and voltage
  • controls for suction plants
  • speed relays
  • level relays for conductive liquids

About ZIEHL ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH + Co KG has been developing and manufacturing in Schwaebisch Hall / Germany electronic devices for the industry since 1967. With its devices for grid- and plant protection, monitoring of dry transformers, electronic current transformers or controls for suction plants ZIEHL is market leader in many regions. Special strengths are the close teamwork between development, production and sales at one location, close relationship to customers, modern production and high quality standards. For more information <link http: www.ziehl.de _blank>www.ziehl.de  Address ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH + Co KG
Daimlerstraße 13
DE - 74523 Schwaebisch Hall / Germany
Phone: +49-791-504-0
E-Mail: <link>info@ziehl.de